Leaflet map forms widgets

A Leaflet widget is provided to edit geometry fields. It embeds Leaflet.draw in version 0.4.0.


In Adminsite

from django.contrib import admin
from leaflet.admin import LeafletGeoAdmin

from .models import WeatherStation

admin.site.register(WeatherStation, LeafletGeoAdmin)

A mixin is also available for inline forms:

from django.contrib import admin
from leaflet.admin import LeafletGeoAdminMixin

class PoiLocationInline(LeafletGeoAdminMixin, admin.StackedInline):
    model = PoiLocation

To modify the map widget used in the Django admin, override a custom admin/change_form.html:

{% extends "admin/change_form.html" %}
{% load i18n admin_urls static leaflet_tags %}

{% block stylesheets %}
{{ block.super }}
{% leaflet_css plugins="ALL" %}
/* Force leaflet controls underneath header (z-index 1000) and
   above leaflet tiles (z-index 400)*/
{% endblock %}

{% block javascripts %}
{{ block.super }}
{% leaflet_js plugins="ALL" %}
{% include 'shared/leaflet_widget_overlays.js' %}
{% endblock %}

Note: Django 3.2 admin/change_form.html renamed stylesheet block to extrastyle and javascripts to admin_change_form_document_ready, adjust your template accordingly.

In this way, both CSS and JS can be modified for all admin leaflet widgets.

As an example of modifying the CSS, here the leaflet map widget controls are forced underneath a bootstrap4 navbar.

As an example of modifying the JS, a custom snippet called shared/leaflet_widget_overlays.js uses the map init event to add some custom (non-tile) overlays.

  window.addEventListener("map:init", function (event) {
    var map = event.detail.map; // Get reference to map
    {% include 'shared/overlays.html' %}

    // Other modifications, e.g. fullscreen control:
    map.addControl(new L.Control.Fullscreen());
    // Note, this requires the Leaflet fullscreen CSS, JS,
    // and image assets to be present as static files,
    // and configured in LEAFLET_SETTINGS

Again, the actual overlays here are factored out into a separate snippet. In this example, we re-use shared/overlays.html as also shown in Overlay layers.

To show a textarea input for the raw GeoJSON geometry, override admin form_fields:

from django.contrib.gis.db import models as geo_models

    'map_height': '500px',
    'map_width': '100%',
    'display_raw': 'true',
    'map_srid': 4326,


    geo_models.PointField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,
    geo_models.MultiPointField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,
    geo_models.LineStringField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,
    geo_models.MultiLineStringField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,
    geo_models.PolygonField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,
    geo_models.MultiPolygonField: LEAFLET_FIELD_OPTIONS,

class MyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):

    formfield_overrides = FORMFIELD_OVERRIDES

The widget attribute display_raw toggles the textarea input. The textarea can be resized by overriding its CSS class .django-leaflet-raw-textarea.

In forms

from django import forms

from leaflet.forms.widgets import LeafletWidget

class WeatherStationForm(forms.ModelForm):

    class Meta:
        model = WeatherStation
        fields = ('name', 'geom')
        widgets = {'geom': LeafletWidget()}

Again, the LeafletWidget can be intialized with custom attributes, e.g. LeafletWidget(attrs=LEAFLET_WIDGET_ATTRS) as shown above.

The related template would look like this:

{% load leaflet_tags %}
   {% leaflet_js plugins="forms" %}
   {% leaflet_css plugins="forms" %}
    <h1>Edit {{ object }}</h1>
    <form method="POST">
        {{ form }}
        <input type="submit"/>

Every map field will trigger an event you can use to add your custom machinery :

map.on('map:loadfield', function (e) {
    // Customize map for field
    console.log(e.field, e.fieldid);

Programmatically appended maps

If you are adding a map to the DOM programmatically, as for example by jQuery, the default events driven mechanism will not work, and a viable workaround is to specify an empty loadevent attribute in your Meta.widgets definiton :

class Meta:
    widgets = {
        'geometry': LeafletWidget(attrs={'loadevent': ''}),

You will also need to refresh the map by invoking invalidateSize on it, and to do so you need to instruct django-leaflet to expose the map globally, by setting the NO_GLOBALS to False, in LEAFLET_CONFIG. The map will be accessible via a field added to the global window object: if xyzt is the name of your field, your corresponding leaflet map will be at window['leafletmapid_xyzt-map'].

Custom Forms

If you need a reusable customization of widgets maps, first override the JavaScript field behavior by extending L.GeometryField, then in Django subclass the LeafletWidget to specify the custom geometry_field_class.

YourGeometryField = L.GeometryField.extend({
    addTo: function (map) {
        L.GeometryField.prototype.addTo.call(this, map);
        // Customize map for field
    // See GeometryField source (static/leaflet/leaflet.forms.js) to override more stuff...
class YourMapWidget(LeafletWidget):
    geometry_field_class = 'YourGeometryField'

class YourForm(forms.ModelForm):
    class Meta:
        model = YourModel
        fields = ('name', 'geom')
        widgets = {'geom': YourMapWidget()}

To customise individual forms, you can either extend the geometry field as shown above, or inject a script into the form template.

In this example, a custom set of overlays is added as shown for both Overlay layers and In Adminsite widgets, insert an extra script into the form template in the same way as shown in In Adminsite.

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load static leaflet_tags geojson_tags crispy_forms_tags bootstrap4  %}

<!-- The form -->
{% block content %}
<div class="container">
  <div class="row">
    <div class="col-12">
      {% crispy form form.helper %}
    </div><!-- .col -->
  </div><!-- .row -->
</div><!-- .container -->
{% endblock %}

{% block extrastyle %}
{% leaflet_css plugins="ALL" %}
{{ form.media.css }}
{% endblock %}

{% block extrajs %}
{% leaflet_js plugins="ALL" %}
{{ form.media.js }}
{% include 'shared/leaflet_widget_overlays.js' %}
{% endblock extrajs %}


It’s possible to add extras JS/CSS or auto-include forms plugins everywhere:

    'PLUGINS': {
        'forms': {
            'auto-include': True

( It will be merged over default minimal set required for edition )

Customizing serialization

Leaflet fields are easily customizable by setting field_store_class and geometry_field_class. For example, if we have a field with three dimensions and we want to add the third dimension as 0 by default, we could use the following widget:

class Leaflet3dWidget(LeafletWidget):
    field_store_class = 'L.Field3dStore'

    class Media:
        js = ['leaflet/leaflet.forms.js', 'leaflet.3d.js']

With the following leaflet.3d.js:

L.Field3dStore = L.FieldStore.extend({
    _serialize: function (layer) {
        const geojson = JSON.parse(L.FieldStore.prototype._serialize.call(this, layer));
        for (const coordinate of geojson.coordinates) {
        return JSON.stringify(geojson);

For more information on what is customizable, please see the leaflet/leaflet.forms.js.


  • It relies on global settings for map initialization.
  • It works with local map projections. But SRID is specified globally through LEAFLET_CONFIG['SRID'] as described below.
  • Javascript component for de/serializing fields value is pluggable.
  • Javascript component for Leaflet.draw behaviour initialization is pluggable.